Positive Impact +++

People used to have to travel to see and talk to other people. Now, mobile phones allow communication to even the other side of the world. In 2000, the mobile phone companies agreed to send and receive calls and texts from each other. Mobile phones are much more slim and compact than the first mobile phone, the Motorola DynaTAC (see above picture), and can easily fit into anyone's pocket. Companies have even made 'mini-computers' than can fit into a pocket! Mobile phones also come with many features, like the ability to connect to the Internet, Bluetooth capability, Speed Dial and even Voice Control!

Both Positive and Negative Impact +-+-+-

Mobile phones are now getting slimmer and they come with more features, causing more customers to purchase them. Smartphones with touch-screens can make things much easier, from typing a text message, to checking emails, but they can cause lack of sleep and anti-sociality. 

When text messaging first came out, they were limited to only 160 characters. Spaces included. Because of this, people abbreviated the words so that their whole message could fit in the small 160 character limit. Now, although more than 160 characters may be used, to save time and effort, the abbreviations are still used. People even use these abbreviated words in their speech. This can be confusing to people who have never used a phone before, or used the abbreviations. Other than this, text messaging is a very useful tool. (Peter Habib - Public Affairs Advisor - Telstra)

Negative Impact ---

Mobile phones emit microwave and electromagnetic radiation.  (http://www.controlyourimpact.com/2008/03/disadvantages-of-mobile-phones-negative-health-effects/) Because we hold our phones so close to our brain, the radiation can cause brain tumours, memory loss, Parkinson's Disease, or Alzheimer's. 

Answering our big question.

  Mobile phones have made a massive change on the human lifestyle.

Mobile phones are connected in many ways to the way people live. We can now communicate with people all around the world that have a phone, and not have to travel. You can get the message through straight away and not have to wait for someone to deliver it. Mobile phone companies such as Apple or Nokia, are thinking of new features to add in their phones to make customers want to buy them. Though this, talking on the phone can cause many major illnesses such as memory loss, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's disease and can even cause brain tumours. If the mobile phone’s volume is too loud, it can damage a user’s ear drum.

The invention of the iPhone has had a massive impact on businesses. Businesses have been created from it. There never used to be such thing as an ‘app creator’, as a job. Little businesses such as skin stores have significantly improved with there iPhone covers.

Mobile phones are much more slim and compact than the first mobile phone, the Motorola Dyna TAC and can easily fit into anyone's pocket. Smart phones with touch-screens can make things much easier, from typing a text message, to checking emails, but they can cause lack of sleep and anti-sociality. 

When text messaging first came out, they were limited to only 160 characters. Spaces included, because of this, people abbreviated the words so that their whole message could fit in the small 160 character limit. Now, although more than 160 characters may be used, to save time and effort, the abbreviations are still used. People even use these abbreviated words in their speech. Other than this, text messaging is a very useful tool.

Mobile phones have made very big changes since the first one. Besides the harmful effects, they can help us in many different ways.