
Our "BIG" Question - "How have mobile phones impacted on people's daily lives?" and our line of inquiry - "Potential effects of mobile phones on people's lives" most closely relate to the key concept - "Causation". Here are some reasons how:

We use our mobile phones so much, that we simply cannot live without them. Things like SMS, phone calls, and the ability to have an internet connection enables the mobile phone to help us in many different ways. 
But on the other hand, mobile phones emit microwave and electromagnetic radiation. Because we hold our phones so close to our brains, the radiation can cause diseases such as Alzheimer's or brain tumours.


Our line of inquiry - "Mobile phone progressions and developments" clearly relates to the key concept - "Change". Here are some reasons how:

From big, bulky mobile phones, people have taken these ideas, and improved them, to make smaller phones. Gradually, over time, the phone has gotten smaller, and smaller, with more options and features. Text messaging has changed, from having a limit of 160 characters, to no limit at all! In April 2000, the mobile phone companies decided to allow sending and receiving from each other. Before this, people could only send/receive calls from people on the same network.